Lakeview Student Ministries
"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!"
2 Corinthians 5:17, NIV
For Middle and High Schoolers

Every Wednesday night at Lakeview
A weekly youth group gathering consisting of games, snacks, worship, a message rooted from the Bible, and small groups. Led by our youth director and a group of awesome volunteers with a heart for serving this age group. This is done by providing love, truth, and support as students build their foundation of who they are while navigating challenging and crucial years of their lives.

First Sunday of every month at Lakeview
This is strictly focused on students growing in friendships with other believers. The agenda is… there is no agenda, just to hang out and have fun! We pray in the beginning, then the rest is dedicated to playing games, hanging out, and eating pizza!

For Fifth Graders and Middle Schoolers

Third Sunday of every month at Lakeview
A monthly gathering focused on the students getting together and reading a passage and discussing it, spiritual checkups, and praying for each other. The purpose of this group is to have students develop at an early age a more devout and intentional relationship with Christ and become more comfortable and confident in reading their Bible.
For High Schoolers
2nd & 4th Sundays of every month at the Kearney Household
A life group focused on deepening our relationship with Christ and other believers. We hone in on prioritizing Jesus in our lives and relationships as students prep for the “real world”. Light snacks provided.
For directions to the Kearney Household, please send us an email.

Have Questions?
Send us a message if you have any questions about the Student Ministry here at Lakeview!